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8:12 Illumination LED Balloon Light, 400W


The 400-Watt LED light balloon provides glare-free, non-blinding light for up to 25,000 sq. ft. and lasts up to 100,000 hours per light cell. The 400-Watt model pulls just 5 amps of power. You get longer life with an impressively low amp draw. Plus, the compact, easy-to-move design makes setup simple, so you save money, energy and time! The Light comes with a 10' Crank Tripod.

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  • Shipping Weight: 25 lbs
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LED Benefits:

• Weather resistant design including a waterproof, UV resistant and fire retardant balloon.

• Our LED design can be powered by an inverter instead of a generator due to it’s low amp draw.

• Two of our lights could run off one 1kw generator.

• Our light can be attached to a small generator on a roll cart for easy mobility which is great for flagger stations or anywhere where diffused lighting needs to be mobile.

• Emergency Services

• Police Checkpoints

• DUI Checkpoints

• Mobile Repair

• Road Construction

• And many more!

400 Watt LED Foot Candle Specs – 10ft. high


3 ft:

6 ft:




98.0 fc

48.6 fc

25.5 fc

15.5 fc

4.1 fc

2.1 fc

 LED Light Data

Maximum Lighted Area:

25,000 ft squared

Maximum Lumens:


Light Under Unit at 10’:

98.0 foot candles

Color Temperature:

5,000 Kelvin

Electrical Data

Type of Cells:


Number of Cells:

4 x 100 watt

Maximum Power:

400 watt

Average Lamp Life:

120,000 hours

Voltage Available:

110V / 277V

AMP Pull: