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SDLT I Tapes

Product Image Item Name- Price
Fujifilm Super DLTtapeTM 160GB/320GB (26300001)

Fujifilm Super DLTtapeTM 160GB/320GB (26300001)

The next generation DLT tape platform, Super DLTtape I is built upon the proven success of the DLT tape system, the most popular midrange platform. The Super DLTtape I...


Imation Black Watch SuperDLTtape I 160/320GB (16260)

Imation Black Watch SuperDLTtape I 160/320GB (16260)

Each Imation SDLTtape I has a capacity of 110GB native and 220GB compressed, or 160GB native and 320GB compressed depending on the tape drive specifications. The tape is...


Maxell Super DLTtapeTM 160GB/320GB (183700)

Maxell Super DLTtapeTM 160GB/320GB (183700)

Each Maxell SDLTtape I has a capacity of 110GB native and 220GB compressed, or 160GB native and 320GB compressed depending on the tape drive specifications. The tape is...


Quantum Super DLTtapeTM 160GB/320GB (MRSAMCL-01)

Quantum Super DLTtapeTM 160GB/320GB (MRSAMCL-01)

Each Quantum SDLTtape I has a capacity of 110GB native and 220GB compressed, or 160GB native and 320GB compressed depending on the tape drive specifications. The tape is...
